Governor Meeting Attendance
Minutes of the Governors’ Property & Curriculum Committee meeting held on 6th October 2021
Due to the current Covid situation the meeting was held using Zoom
Present: Mr M Evans
Mrs J Sadler
Mrs K Joynes
Mr S Evans Head Teacher
Mr M Mason Staff Governor
Apologies – Mrs Coleby had sent her apologies which were accepted
Minutes of the Governors’ Finance & Personnel Committee held on 13th October 2021
Due to the ongoing situation with Covid-19 the meeting was held using Zoom
Present: Mr A George
Mr M Evans
Mr S Evans (Head)
Mrs C J Spencer
Mr M Mason (Deputy Head)
Mrs A Gilder
Mrs K Astley
Minutes of the Full Governing body meeting held on 8th November 2021
This meeting was held virtually, using Zoom
Present: Mr M Evans
Mr A George
Ms J Sadler
Mrs K Coleby
Mrs K Joynes
Mrs A Gilder
Mrs C Spencer
Mr S Evans (Head Teacher)
Mr M Mason (Deputy Head) Staff Governor
Apologies had been received and accepted from Mrs K Astley
Minutes of the Governors’ Property & Curriculum Committee meeting held on 28th February 2022
The meeting was convened using ‘Zoom’, due to the ongoing pandemic restrictions
Present: Mr Martin Evans
Mrs J Sadler
Mrs K Joynes
Mrs K Coleby
Mr S Evans Head Teacher
Mr M Mason Staff Governor
Minutes of the Governors’ Finance & Personnel Committee held on 7th March 2022
Present: Mr S Evans (Head Teacher)
Mr A George
Mrs A Gilder
Mr M Mason (Deputy Head / Staff Governor)
Apologies had been received and were accepted from Mrs C Spencer, Mr M Evans and Mrs K Astley.
Minutes of the Full Governing body meeting held on 21st March 2022
Present: Mr M Evans
Mr A George
Ms J Sadler
Mrs A Gilder
Mrs K Coleby
Ms K Joynes
Mrs E O’Brien
Mr R Gannon (following election as Co-opted Gov.)
Mrs R Miles (following election as Co-opted Gov.)
Mr S Evans (Head Teacher)
Mr M Mason (Deputy Head Teacher) Staff Governor
Minutes of the Governors’ Finance & Personnel Committee held on 18th May 2022
Present: Mr A George
Mr M Evans
Mrs A Gilder
Mrs Eden O'Brien
Mr M Mason (Deputy Head) Staff Governor
Apologies had been received and were accepted from Mr S Evans and Mrs R Miles
Minutes of the Governors’ Property & Curriculum Committee meeting held on 24th May 2022
The meeting was convened using ‘Zoom.’
Present: Mrs J Sadler
Mrs K Joynes
Mr S Evans Head Teacher
Mr M Mason Staff Governor
Mr Martin Evans
Apologies –-Mrs K Coleby and Mr R Gannon accepted
Minutes of the Full Governing body meeting held on 13th June 2022
Present: Mr M Evans (Chair)
Mr A George
Ms J Sadler
Mrs A Gilder
Mrs K Joynes
Mrs R Miles
Mrs E O’Brien
Mr R Gannon
Mr S Evans (Head)
Mr M Mason (Staff Governor /Deputy Head)
Apologies had been received and accepted from Mrs K Coleby
Minutes of the Governors’ Property & Curriculum Committee meeting held on 11th October 2022
The meeting was held using 'Zoom'
Present: Mrs K Coleby
Ms J Sadler
Mr S Evans(Head Teacher)
Mr M Mason (Deputy Head Teacher)
Apologies received and accepted from Mr M Evans, Mrs K Joynes and Mr R Gannon
Minutes of the Governors’ Finance & Personnel Committee held on 19th October 2022
The meeting took place virtually using 'Zoom'
Present: Mr A George
Mr M Evans
Mr S Evans (Head)
Mr M Mason (Deputy Head)
Mrs E O’Brien
Mrs R Miles
Minutes of the Full Governing body meeting held on 15th November 2022
This meeting was held virtually, using Zoom
Present: Mr M Evans
Mr A George
Ms J Sadler
Mrs K Coleby
Mrs K Joynes
Mr R Gannon
Mrs R Miles
Mrs E O’Brien
Mr S Evans (Head Teacher)
Mr M Mason (Deputy Head) Staff Governor