Partnership with Parents

Parents’ Consultation Evenings

At the beginning of each academic year, parents are invited into school for a presentation by class teachers highlighting the programmes of study for that year and the daily routines that parents need to be aware of. At this meeting, we will also talk in detail about the direct role that you, as parents, can play in supporting your child’s education.

We are keen to develop an effective partnership between home and school, which can have a lasting effect upon children’s achievement.


In November, an “Open Classrooms” Parents’ Evening is held at school, when parents are invited to come in and look around the class, to see the children’s work and have a brief discussion with the class teacher about how the children are settling into their new class.

A further Parents’ evening takes place during the spring term, which gives parents another opportunity to view children’s books, displays and to discuss general progress.

Your children’s Annual Report to Parents is sent out later in the summer term. Should parents wish to discuss this report with their child’s teachers, they are welcome to make an appointment.

These written reports contain a brief summary of the progress made in each of the subjects, including achievements, assessment results at seven (end of Key Stage 1), attendance records and other aspects of the child’s physical, spiritual and social development.


Parent Help at School

We rely heavily on parental help at school and we are always grateful to parents who come into school to help us with our reading programmes, cooking, sewing, design technology, etc.

If you can help us on a regular basis, or if you would just like further information, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher or the Head Teacher. A letter asking parents if they would like to support in school is sent out each year, early in the Autumn term.