
At our school, the highest standards of behaviour are expected. One important rule for all at school is:

“Everyone will act with courtesy and consideration at all times.”

The children are encouraged to develop self-control and self-discipline. As they mature, they are given increasing opportunity to exercise independence within the controlled and supporting environment of the school so that they can develop a correspondingly greater sense of consideration for others.

Through a positive approach towards behaviour management, we aim to create a calm learning environment in which pupils can:

  • learn and teachers can teach;

  • operate with increasing independence;

  • develop a sense of responsibility for their own behaviour and a greater sense of consideration for others;

  • grow in confidence and self-esteem;

  • feel safe and supported;

  • develop a wide range of knowledge and skills.

Through the use of rewards such as stickers and certificates, combined with numerous other systems designed to motivate pupils and reinforce good behaviour, we engender a very positive approach to both behaviour and learning throughout the school.

Indiscipline in school jeopardises the quality of education received by all pupils and, as such, it will not be tolerated. A child’s parents will be informed of any serious misdemeanour or recurring anti-social behaviour. The school appreciates and expects full parental support when dealing with problems that concern a child’s attitude and general behaviour.

More detailed information about the way we manage behaviour and how we deal with incidents of bullying or repeated incidents of poor behaviour can be found in our Whole School Behaviour Policy and our Anti-bullying Policy, which can be found using the links on the right. We have also provided links to documents, which outline how we teach children about how to deal with bullying and about how we teach them to be safe on the internet.

The following rules have been devised to ensure the safety, well-being and happiness of all pupils: 

  • Once you are at school, you must not leave the premises without permission from a teacher.

  • Always walk through the school quietly and calmly.

  • Be ready to help by opening doors, standing aside to let people pass and by offering to do jobs for others.

  • Always speak politely to everyone, even if you are feeling bad tempered.

  • Always listen carefully to others, especially when your teacher is talking.

  • Try to do your best in everything you do.

  • Help to keep the school tidy and clean so that it is a welcoming place that we can all be proud of.

  • Respect other people’s property, as well as your own.

If staff become aware of, or have a need to become involved in, situations where a child may be at risk of hurting themselves or others or, if the behaviour of a child seriously disrupts good order in the school or causes damage to property, staff may need to take steps to intervene physically. In such circumstances, staff will follow the school's policy for dealing with such situations. 


There are always at least two members of staff on duty during playtimes. If a child is worried or needs help of any kind, he or she can always ask one of the members of staff on duty or one of our lunchtime supervisors at lunchtimes. They should never be afraid to talk to an adult in school about anything that frightens or worries them.

Children should always come in to school to use the toilets at playtimes. They are reminded to wash their hands afterwards. They should only come in to school, for any other reason, if they have permission from the teacher on duty or a lunchtime supervisor.

Ofsted Report 2015

"The behaviour of pupils is outstanding. Right from their start in Reception, pupils are relaxed and happy in school, follow routines very conscientiously, and get along extremely well with each other and with the staff.

Pupils’ excellent behaviour and attitudes strongly support their outstanding achievement. They are extremely keen to learn, work very hard and show high levels of concentration."