
Curriculum Rationale for Mathematics 


Curriculum Intent


To enable all children to achieve and attain well in Maths through effective delivery of the objectives laid out in the National Curriculum for Mathematics (2014). This will ensure that all pupils:

  • become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately
  • reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, exploring relationships and making generalisations, and developing arguments, justification or proof using mathematical language
  • can solve problems by applying their mathematical skills to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.

To ensure that skills and knowledge acquired in Mathematics can be applied in other areas of the curriculum.

To ensure that children understand the term Mathematics and the vocabulary associated with different areas of Mathematics.

To prepare children for life by helping them become more independent, organised, confident and resilient; to be good communicators, creative and able to solve problems and to be appreciative and reflective.


Curriculum Implementation


Provide regular opportunities for the children to re-cap their prior learning to ensure that key skills, knowledge and concepts are embedded in their long-term memory.

To ensure that the curriculum is enriched by carrying out purposeful, relevant, inspiring and interesting lessons and developing a love of Mathematics at home as well as at school.

  • Children receive a daily lesson involving snappy, mental sessions to develop children’s ability to calculate mentally. These sessions are used to revise concepts taught previously in the year and to practice multiplication tables. Children also learn through direct, interactive teaching and through their own independent work. The lessons are lively, active and stimulating and participation features strongly. Practical resources are used to support and deepen children’s understanding of key knowledge and skills and to develop perseverance and resilience.

A cyclical approach to teaching and learning ensures that children revisit key skills and deepen/extend their understanding in the different areas of the Maths curriculum.

The curriculum is delivered by adults who have a strong, caring relationship with the pupils they teach and they have a strong subject knowledge.


Curriculum Impact


To ensure that there are high quality outcomes in Mathematics in all year groups where children know more, remember more and can do more.

The children acquire skills that are developed through their years in the school so that they become confident, resilient and independent Mathematicians who enjoy the subject and continue to do well in the next stage of their education.

The above can be evidenced in the children’s performance in statutory assessments and in the end of year Teacher Assessments carried out in year groups where statutory assessments do not exist. It can also be evidenced from Lesson observations carried out by the Subject Leader and members of the SLT, from looking at children’s books and from talking to pupils about their work. 

Maths Challenge Day
Another fantastic turnout for projects about the Wonders of the World. We had some really interesting models and facts from the children. As a staff, we are so impressed with the projects and are very proud of each and every one of our children. Well done Finstall and thank-you parents for your continued support.

Mathematics at Finstall First School

Our Maths policies have been amended in line with the revised 2014 curriculum.

Information in relation to the revised 2014 curriculum for each year group is detailed within the Maths Policy.

Parents / Guardians will find useful images within our Calculation Policy to help support their children with the strategies we use at Finstall First School.

Parent Information - Learning Multiplication Tables

Click below to view the whole school PowerPoint presentation.

The information contained within the PowerPoint relates to learning multiplication tables within school.